Alameda Senior Magazine: Fall/Winter 2019 Is Here!
Hot off the presses and direct to you, our Alameda neighbor, is our bi-annual senior living publication, Alameda Senior Magazine. It’s just one of the many things we do at AEC Living to stay connected with our community and offer help and advice to the Seniors in Alameda.
This issue highlights:”Upstairs Downstairs”, an article about stair safety and coordination by Wilson Trang. Open enrollment tips for Medicare. “Downsize Your Home and Upsize Your Life”, which is an article based on continuation of a well received Elders Village Talk we had by Phoenix Commons resident Rose Mark earlier this year. And since we’ve not had one of those in a while, *eep* an article about earthquake preparedness with notes from California Emergency Preparedness Office.
We also have several columns and community spotlight articles in the magazine this issue including a virtual reality article, and some advice on the power of positive emotions in the ‘Road to Wellness’ column by Kryspin Turcynski, MA. Truth be told, there’s actually a lot going on in this magazine for some 22 short pages (with large print for the vision impaired, to boot), we suggest you do yourself a favor and pick up a copy if you see one in the community and investigate the features at your leisure.
Who knows, you might finish that crossword puzzle?