Brrrr! Safety tips for seniors during the winter season

Dress for Warmth

 With the drop in temperature, there is an increase in hypothermia in seniors. Hypothermia is a condition where the body temperature dips too low. More than half of hypothermia-related deaths were of people over the age of 65. So don’t let indoor temperatures go too low, not below 65 degrees. Dress in layers, wear warm clothing, and when going outside include a warm hat, gloves and a scarf.


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Happy Thanksgiving

It was almost 400 years ago that the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared the meal that we now view as the first Thanksgiving. Though the world has changed much in this passage of time, there are a few things that have not – the joy of sharing time and a good meal with

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The Big Idea in 4 Minutes

If you are intrigued by the question-”What will if mean for us all to grow up, live and age in a society where half the citizens are over the age of 50?”, then you’ll want to watch “The Big Idea in 4 Minutes”,  a YouTube video from Coming of Age in Aging America a PBS

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Great Educational Talk About Safety

Thank you Elders Village for the great educational talk about safety! Everyone present learned a lot.
Dena Aindow from the District Attorney’s office talked to us about “good habits”  to help keep ourselves safe from frauds and scams.
Captain Michael DeGrano from the Alameda Fire Department spoke about Disaster Preparedness and gave us some homework to

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