Sex In the Seniors Elders Years Village Talk with Isadora Alman
An often overlooked part of the health and well being of our senior community is the acknowledgement of the active role of sex as we age. No longer considered a taboo, or a subject framed with a glow of giggles and blushing red cheeks, sex in the senior years is something that has been looked at as part of something that is healthy, provides a positive mental outlook and mental and physical connection to otherwise isolated seniors.
Isadora Alman, LMFT, CST came to our Elders Village Talks series to talk about being a senior and being a sexually active person. It was a real honor to have her to talk, dispense advice and answer questions from members of our community.
A California licensed marriage counselor and board certified sex therapist with more than 35 years’ experience, Isadora Alman pioneered the groundbreaking sex and relationship advice column, Ask Isadora, which is read by more than 1 million readers a week. She’s the author of Doing It: Real People Having Really Good Sex.