Phoenix Commons as Featured in the SF Chronicle “The antidote to loneliness”
In recent news, Phoenix Commons has been once again featured in our local newspapers.. this time our Senior Co-Housing project has been featured in the SF Chronicle by journalist, Kathleen Pender. In her article, it describes some of the challenges that face similar Senior Co-housing projects across the nation, the Bay Area and in Denmark.. one of the earliest adopters of the Co-Housing Concept. Yet it also describes the great benefits, amity, and togetherness that each of the residents in these intentional communities gain from living and working together for each other’s common good. Judging from the reactions from the residents on this article, they couldn’t agree more. “Life is always buzzing around here, keeping us active and excited!” The solution to isolation as we age is, indeed, about being a part of a community.. being close to your neighbors and working together.
Please click the link to read the article from the SF Chronicle.. Here .