Arin A. Regularly saves the Day After 3 Years as The Lodge Med Aide
This month we take a moment to honor our co-workers and celebrate their commitment and dedication to our company.
-Arin A. comes across the threshold of 3 years as a talented Med Aide, once as one of the lead med aides at the Lodge. Always stirring the apple sauce for the residents who have tough time swallowing or in charge of counting out the meds to any number of our 50+ Current residents. Arin also is invaluable as the right hand of our LVNs Mariah and Adelwisa. Whenever the LVNs are not in the office you can find her calming residents or assisting in minor injuries, scrapes, and headaches. She is reliable and level headed and everything you could want in a dedicated care staff employee, we’re always glad we can count on you.
We appreciate all the help you give our residents, and our residents appreciate you. Thank you for all you do.