New Prevention Program Supports Seniors and People with Disabilities

The Alameda Fire Department, working with the Housing Authority, Mastick Senior Center, Boy Scouts, Kiwanis Club, and Alameda Hospital has developed a new program that combines support for seniors and people with disabilities. The Housing Safety and Accessibility Program blends the City’s existing Accessibility Modification Program with key elements of the former Senior Safety Program. This new

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AEC Supports the Village Concept

We here at Alameda Elder Communities believe strongly in the importance and value of the village movement. We think that community, and the social connectivity that used to be more prevalent when we lived in smaller villages, are essential elements to both growing old gracefully and aging successfully. With that in mind we have employees

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October is Aging in Place Successfully Month!

October is Aging in Place Successfully Month! Aging in place allows one to remain living in the same environment while receiving necessary assistance and care to deal with the intricacies of growing older. Through the development of cohousing situations, the village movement, and other means, it is becoming easier for seniors to remain where they

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